Got the headroom? Use a raised platform mezzanine and free up ground floor storage space.

At Simple Mezzanines we love to spend our time proposing and then installing bespoke solutions to our client’s space management needs. And a raised platform mezzanine can sometimes provide the perfect solution.

We do this by introducing a raised platform mezzanine into ‘dead’ areas. In these areas, headroom isn’t limited but personnel often tend to put pesky weird and wonderful materials. These usually constitute the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ products which can be stacked up against a wall or in a corner.

Raised Platform Mezzanine

This raised platform mezzanine floor was installed to overcome such a scenario. The client then decided to do a stock check and relocation. Afterwards, it quickly became clear that they had lots of product and equipment which was used infrequently. However, it took up a relatively large amount of space.

The new mezzanine flooring provided a cost effective solution to this problem. Those items which are required less frequently will be stored on the mezzanine floor. Whilst the product which needs more regular access will be located beneath the raised platform. An eminently sensible solution.


Get in touch with us here and we’ll answer any of your mezzanine related questions.

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